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Accession Number: NEKHC:2009.155

Object: Mug

Physical Description: Enamelled tin mug; incomplete; no active deterioration. Restrictions on loan of this item.

Information: This mug was found in the grounds of Sobibor Killing Centre.

Further Information

Sobibor Killing Centre was situated in a sparsely populated area south of Wlodawa, Poland. It began operation at the end of April 1942 and functioned as the second Killing Centre in Operation Reinhard; the Nazi plan to exterminate the entire Jewish population within the Generalgouvernement. It ceased to operate in October 1943 after the people held in the Killing Centre as forced labourers revolted. During the course of its operation between 170,000 and 250,000 people were murdered in Sobibor.


Blatt, Thomas (1997) From the Ashes of Sobibor: A Story of Survival Illinois: Northwestern University Press.

Museum of the Former Sobibor Extermination Camp (2006) ‘History of the Camp’, The State Museum at Majdanek [Online]. Available at: (Accessed 21 January 2015).

Schelvis, Jules (2007) Sobibor: A History of a Nazi Death Camp New York: Bloomsbury. 

Shoah Resource Centre ‘Sobibor’, Yad Vashem [Online]. Available at: (Accessed 21 January 2015).

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum ‘Sobibor’ (20 June 2014) Holocaust Encyclopedia, USHMM [Online]. Available at: (Accessed 21 January 2015).

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum ‘Sobibor Chronology’ (20 June 2014) Holocaust Encyclopedia, USHMM [Online]. Available at: (Accessed 21 January 2015).

Yad Vashem ‘This Month in Holocaust History; Sobibor’, Yad Vashem [Online]. Available at: (Accessed 21 January 2015).

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