Welcome to our on-line exhibition to show the creative work produced for ‘Stand Up, Speak Up.’ The aim of this project was for parents to design and host an exhibition of children's work based on the testimonies of survivors of the Holocaust and the questions which they raise. The theme of the exhibition was "Making a difference by standing up for others." The art work has been produced by pupils from:

  • Anthony Bek Primary School
  • Brookfield Primary School
  • Model Primary School
  • Langwith Bassett Primary School
  • Stubbin Wood School
  • Whaley Thorns Primary School

The resources used by the pupils to produce their artwork were created a group of parents whose children attend some of these schools. By working with educators at the National Holocaust Centre and Museum, survivors of the Holocaust and other partners- they created engaging and thought-provoking resources to encourage pupils to consider the theme of standing up for others.

You will see that each piece of work contains two jigsaw pieces. On the first, students were encouraged to show an aspect of one of the testimonies they had heard. On the second, they considered a way in which their identity would help them in standing up for others.

The fantastic work produced is a testament to the creativity and thoughtfulness of the pupils and the hard work; dedication and commitment of the parents involved with the project.

We are extremely grateful to the National Lottery, for the funding which enabled this project to take place.  

The Story of the Project

 A group of Shirebrook parents agreed to be involved in ‘Stand Up! Speak Up!’ This was a project in which they were going to create resources to be used by primary school children in Shirebrook. The children would use these resources to create a piece of artwork which reflected the theme ‘making a difference by standing up for others.’ The artwork would then be shown as an exhibition at the Shirebrook Academy Summer Fair.

 The group met to discuss their initial ideas, before meeting at the National Holocaust Centre and Museum to begin finding out more about the stories of survivors of the Holocaust. They met Steve Mendelsson and listened to his testimony, and filmed Bob Norton answering questions which they had prepared for him. The parents used their knowledge, and some of this material, to create a DVD to be shared with the children- this involved preparing the images to be used and recording the voice over. The group, having already viewed the exhibition space at the Academy, then discussed exactly what they wished the children to produce as artwork for the exhibition.

 The pupils were given two jigsaw piece puzzles. On the first, they shared an aspect of one of the testimonies which they had listened to. On the second, they shared an aspect of their identity which they felt helped them to stand up for others. The workshops were creative, reflective and a time of pupils sharing the very best of their ability to create beautiful, thoughtful pieces.

 The group then met to bring together all of the artwork and prepare the exhibition. The exhibition was put together at the Assembly and, on the day, many pupils showed their families the work which they had done- and chatted about their choices for their pictures.

 This project was hard work- but extremely rewarding. We wanted to show the process of the project to say to other parents- you can do this too! The work done by the pupils and the parents is an absolute inspiration of how we can make a difference, and be fantastic ambassadors in our own communities.

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Feedback from the Art Exhibition at Shirebrook Academy

‘Brilliant work! Good to know that a little thing can impact a big future.’

‘artwork is really good, it made me very proud to see it being displayed, really enjoyed doing it.’

‘understood her work very well and loved hearing different things.’

‘Lovely work, very creative and inspiring. Brilliant work by all those involved.’

‘picture is very colourful and really tells a story of a history lesson in school. Well done’

‘Fantastic work! Well done to everyone for your hard work.’

‘really enjoyed joining in. Good work by all the children.’

‘enjoyed doing this project and found it interesting.’

What did the children learn?

We could be strong if we work as a team!

To remember that people are still being treated unfairly and I want to try and help these people!

That I should stand up for people!

It is a good thing to help people!

How I will treat people in the future!

Even though everyone is different, we should still be treated fairly!

Always stand and speak for every soul or thing!

To stand up for people that are different!

What did we learn from the workshop?

‘The workshop was brilliant- the children absolutely loved it and learned so much through the activity.

Everything was so carefully planned and resourced.’ (Teacher)

‘Great interaction to bring history alive. A fantastic event to bring adults and kids together.’ (Parent)

‘One thing which I learned in this workshop is… that people should be kind to each other and respect each other.’ (Pupil)

‘One thing which I learned in this workshop is… no matter what it takes protect people’ (Pupil)

‘One thing which I learned in this workshop is…I will remember to treat people fairly’ (Pupil)

‘One thing which I learned in this workshop is…I will remember to think about other people’s stories before I judge them.’ (Pupil)

‘One thing which I learned in this workshop is…people should be treated the same’ (Pupil)

‘One thing which I learned in this workshop is…you should stand up for people’ (Pupil)

‘One thing which I learned in this workshop is…people from different religions should be treated the same’ (Pupil)