We are saddened to hear about the passing of Holocaust survivor and friend Howard Kendall.

Born in 1926 in Vienna Howard lived the first part of his life happily and in peace with his parents and brother in an open and friendly community and cherished memories from early childhood holidays in the mountains in Salzburg.

When Hitler became Chancellor in 1933, anti – Semitism started to seep through Vienna. His parents recognised the danger their family were in and facing an agonising decision they placed an ‘advert’ in a newspaper searching for a family or individual who would look after Howard in England. Howard was able to leave Vienna and come over to England on the Kindertransport train joining his brother Robert who had already arrived. Howard remained in the UK for the rest of his life eventually marrying and having children of his own.

He was known to all at the Centre for a number of years, and had become a regular speaker to students of all ages. Howard was passionate about sharing his story as often as possible and talked in depth with students about many important contemporary messages that those who were lucky enough to have heard will remember forever.  

His commitment to improving the world in which we live by reminding us to care for one another is a crucial message. Not only will we miss Howard for this and for the work that he had done but also his wicked sense of humour and keen love of football - especially of his beloved club Nottingham Forest.

Howard will be deeply missed and will endeavour to see his story lives on so we may learn from it and educate others, as Howard was always so passionate we do.