Education FAQs Does the Centre have a risk assessment? Read more Yes - the Centre has a risk assessment for both primary schools visiting the Journey exhibition and for schools, colleges, and universities visiting the Centre. All groups that book a visit to the Centre will receive their relevant risk assessment as a part of the process. Alternatively please contact the Bookings Team if you would like a copy. How does the Centre support students with SEN or disabilities? Read more Local disabled groups have been consulted throughout the planning and building of The Journey exhibition. As a result, the space benefits from: a lift to enter and leave the exhibition levelled floors wide doorways and walk-ways seating in rooms, if required sounds and smells to give context of the story and objects minimal text - the multi-sensory approach offers the opportunity for visitors to access the story at their own level We are continuing to develop access to include: BSL on recordings for visitors with hearing impairments or who are deaf audio description for visitors with visual impairments or who are blind braille description and large print The Centre has several parking spaces for disabled visitors. For school groups arriving by coach, children requiring disabled access may be dropped off at the alternative entrance before parking in the main car park. The Journey has its own toilet facilities for school groups, including a disabled toilet. Are there lunch facilities available for the students? Read more Primary school children have designated classrooms to eat their packed lunches. Secondary aged students can eat their packed lunches in the Coffee Shop or Dome.Sixth Form and university students can pre-purchase sandwiches at a cost of £3. These must be pre-ordered and paid for at the time of booking. Does the Centre have facilities to purchase food? Read more The Centre has a Coffeeshop where staff can purchase hot and cold drinks. We ask all students bring a packed lunch. Students aged 12+ can purchase drinks and confectionary in the coffeeshop. Manage Cookie Preferences