Gary Mills is Chair of the National Holocaust Centre and Museum's Academic Advisory Board and Associate Professor of History Education at the University of Nottingham, England. Gary's main research interests centre around the teaching of sensitive and controversial issues in history with a particular interest in the teaching of the Holocaust and other genocides. He has worked in Rwanda with the Kigali Institute of Education exploring how beginning history teachers teach about the 1994 Genocide and through this teaching promote better community cohesion. He also works with the University of Connecticut and runs a postgraduate exchange programme where there is a key focus on teaching difficult and challenging histories. His publications include history textbooks and web-based resources used in schools as well as edited works on teaching history - Teaching Sensitive and Controversial Issues in History (2005) and Changing Times and Time for Change? Perspectives on History Education within and across national boundaries with C. van Boxtel and A. Mcully (2007). His most recent project has been looking at the use of international films about the Holocaust and the pedagogical issues and opportunities that these films present in secondary school classrooms. His main teaching at the University of Nottingham is on history ITE postgraduate courses and he also supervises MA and PhD students working in the areas of Holocaust, Genocide and Human Rights education.