If the Stars could Only Speak


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Our Lonely Journey


This is the story of three children who came to England in 1939 as part of the Kindertransports-children's transports- to escape Nazi Germany. Steven Mendelsson, Vera Schaufeld and Lisa Vincent were among these 10,000 children who were sent to England. They left behind everything and everyone they knew and loved, beginning new and very different lives. In this book for younger readers, they discuss their story, as they meet each other for the first time. Read more

Souvenir Book


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Journeys: Children of the Holocaust tell their stories


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A Detail of History


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From Belsen to Buckingham Palace


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....and Kovno wept


He waited in line, hoping to be among the 500 men chosen for what would certainly be a safe occupation. To his disappointment, they stopped a few men short of him and Waldemar had to go home without being appointed. The next day, all 500 were dead. There is now a plethora of survivor accounts of the Holocaust. Many individuals, such as Waldemar Ginsburg, have chosen to share the most bitter episodes of their lives. Read more

The Krakow Diary of Julius Feldman


The Krakow Diary of Julius Feldman translated by William Brand Read more

Return to Auschwitz


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Love, Hate and Indifference: The slide into Genocide


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