As featured on the BBC televsion series My Story, this is the inspirational tale of Holocaust survivor Iby Knill. Iby's early childhood was spent in Czechoslovakia before her parents - alarmed at the persecution of Jews in Germany - smuggled her over the border to Hungary. In The Woman Without A Number, she tells of how she was caught by the security police before being imprisoned and tortured, not only as a result of her Jewish connections, but for having entered Hungary illegally and for aiding the resistance movement. Eventually, Iby was sent to the infamous Auschwitz - Birkenau camp.
In June 1944, Iby Knill left Auschwitz - Birkenau by volunteering to travel as a nurse with a slave labour transport of 500 women. Once transported to Pippstadt, she was put in charge of a hospital unit and risked her life protecting the weak and helpless from the gas chambers before being freed by Allied Forces at Easter, 1945, and going on to marry a British Officer. Now appearing for the first time in print, The Woman Without A Number is a truly remarkable tale that has waited sixty years to be told.